
Rotating A Picture in PowerPoint 2013 Free UPDATED

Rotating A Picture in PowerPoint

Sometimes one has the perfect picture for a presentation that seems to be crooked or needs to be rotated to correct its alignment. At other moments, one might simply desire to revolve around an simulacrum to present a different perspective before an hearing. Luckily, you need non to waste time victimization an fancy editor to rotate an image, as this fire be easy done from within PowerPoint.

How to rotate a photo in PowerPoint

How to Rotate a Picture in PowerPoint

To demonstrate the march we added an image to the Weather Reputation Dashboard Template for PowerPoint. Let's enunciat you like to present the weather forecast for a coming trip to your boss or lack to present a presentation close to the endure, environment or have a forecast to attendant which might affect the supply of goods. In such a case adding a relevant image might make your presentation that a lot more effectual.

American Samoa you can see from the below screenshot, the image needs to be rotated to fix its alliance. To aim started with rotating a picture in PowerPoint 2013 you will have to click the see along your slide and go to the Format tab and click Splay.

Rotate picture in PowerPoint 2013

This leave present you with a drop down menu with rotation options which will allow you to rotate the icon 90 degrees in complete four directions, i.e. vertically, horizontally, to the left and the right. Pick a direction that fixes the alignment of the image. You will tend a trailer when you hover your sneak out over for each one choice.

Image rotation options in PowerPoint 2013

The to a lower place image shows the turned image afterwards we horizontally allied information technology in PowerPoint 2013.

Slide with rotated image in PowerPoint 2013

Advanced Options for Rotating a Mental picture

Course, your alignment requirements might non Be merely covered using the quatern BASIC options, thence, you can opt for More Rotation Options to revolve around your image according to more taxonomic category parameters.

More rotation options

These advanced rotation options will show a menu from where you can buoy configure the height and breadth of the picture, scale the picture, go under a custom rotation angle, Eastern Samoa well as set a desired superlative and width for your paradigm. This card also provides options to lock the aspect ratio, set a position for the inserted image and to reset it.

Other options in this menu can also allow you to ordinate your textbox and to set an Alt text title and description.

Advanced image rotation options in PowerPoint

Tip: You can create use of templates that allow inserting one or more images operating room sections to amend accommodate large chunks of data like charts, tables, diagrams, etc. Victimisation such slide designs can live helpful in reducing the number of slides in a presentation and helper you easily focus happening important information.

If you would like to download Premium PowerPoint Templates which can help you accommodate wide range of content in a single slide, so check out these Dashboard PowerPoint Templates.


Rotating A Picture in PowerPoint 2013 Free UPDATED

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